- Yah Fu ' s evolution 天演
- Some ignorant people are still skeptical of Darwin’s evolution theory. 一些无知的人仍对达尔文的进化论持怀疑态度。
- This paper discusses the technology of WBT's evolution and peculiarity, and simply talks about its appliance in LAN. 介绍WBT技术的发展及特点 ,并简要论述了其在LAN中的应用前景
- Turku's evolution may be less a case of posing individual action against holism. 图尔库的演变作为一个用个体行为理论来反驳整体主义理论的例子.;可能不是很恰当
- The first of which surrounded the shattering of Earth at an earlier juncture in Earth\'s evolution. 第一批围绕着地球的灵魂碎片在地球早期演化的接合点上。
- There are many studies on the progress of OPB’s evolution and influences by the main factors. 在组织行为模式如何演进以及其中的主要因素对这一演进过程的影响方面已有相当多的研究。
- Chapter Four explores Lessing"s evolution on the issue of male-female relationship. 第四章讨论了莱辛有关男人与女人之间关系问题提出的新的积极看法。
- Next step in VOLTA's evolution was starting production line of alarm devices and door-phones. 创业之初,公司专业设计及制造非标电子设备。
- But those studies hadn’t considered the influences of the characters of organization’s structure on the OPB’s evolution. 但是在已有的研究中都没有深入对组织的结构特征对组织行为模式演进过程的影响进行研究。
- Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao not only accepting Darwin"s evolution but also being influenced on Bergson"s creative evolution. 章太炎受到达尔文进化论和拉马克学说的影响,将革命引入进化论;
- They directed the history ' s evolution in the two cycled of "disunion and unification " and the way of "turmoil and prosperity ". 他们引领着历史在“两个循环,一乱一治”的轨道上徐徐前行:第一个循环,乱世的春秋战国,完成统一的秦,长治久安的汉;
- This thesis uses positivistic study method and firstly analyzes China’s auto finance industry’s evolution course and future trend. 本文主要采用实证研究方法,在分析了我国汽车金融市场发展历程、未来趋势的前提下,以对GMSAIC和相关公司数据、信息分析为基础,提出了目前有必要探寻更加适合我国目前汽车金融市场的GMSAIC商务模式这一问题。
- Perhaps this will encourage humans to develop other means of energy that are supportive and conducive to Earth\'s evolution and energy flow. 或许这将激励人类去发展其它能支持和有助于地球进化和能量流的能量方式。
- The popularity of Qin Guan"s poets was exceeded by ci-poets in the course of diffuseness.This reflected the track of literary notion"s evolution. 秦观诗词在传播过程中逐渐形成了诗名为词名所掩的状况,反映出文学观念的嬗变轨迹。
- While the screenshots were not identified by particular dates, they were laid out from left to right in rough order of where they stood in Gmail’s evolution. 这些截图没有明确的日期,只是按照发展的大致顺序,依次从左到右摆放着。
- Finds the key factors have important influences on OPB’s evolution in an organization such as differences of influence power and interaction frequency. 发现组织中个体间影响力差异性大小、相互间作用频率等因素对组织行为模式的演进具有重要的影响。
- In addition, this paper has checked the influence of different allocations of decision rights on OPB’s evolution in the real world by a laboratory experiment. 另外,为验证在模型分析基础上认为可能存在的决策权不同配置对组织行为模式演进的影响是否能在现实人群中出现,本文进行了实验室实验研究。
- Yah Fu 严复
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- The first chapter analyzes the times background and the influence of Darwin’s evolution, Hegel’s methodology, Santayana’s naturalism aesthetics, James’ psychology on Dewey’s aesthetic education. 论文第一章分析了杜威美育思想产生的时代背景及达尔文的进化论美学、黑格尔的方法论、桑塔耶纳的自然主义美学、詹姆士的心理学理论等对杜威美育思想的影响。